​Chilled. The underrated Zerg Lord of DBS

​Chilled. The underrated Zerg Lord of DBS

~ The Forgotten Leader Series ~

- A not too serious look at a deck tech with this forgotten leader - 

I get a lot of interesting looks when I take Chilled.
Some are welcoming and others end with a shake of the head
Through all of these I smile inside not only at the pure enjoyment I get out of playing the game, yet also for the surprise my opponents are in for when they estimate the Zerg Lord himself.

I don't think I am wrong when I state that Chilled is probably the most agro leader based on his Auto ability alone.

When people look at this leader they see a 10K front and back, and absense of a "Frieza Army" tag, and a draw 2 awaken ability being less strategic than an energy untap. When I look at Chilled I see the potential to swarm the board and gain somewhat of a card advantage as I awaken at 6 life and place immense pressure on the opponent. Yes everything is 10K, however do you really want to awaken in my turn 2 with your 2 energy untap leader? How about those Shenron leaders? Found all your Dragon balls yet?

Let's start with a sample deck that has not had a lot of consistency (I'll be honest), however when it hits the card/s it needs nothing really stands up to it....

Here is the deck that I have been having some fun with lately. Yes there are a few things that could be changed. This will however suffice for the example.

Opening hand I would look for some type of awakening assistance and a Cabba
Going First - the desired scenario
1st Turn: Green energy, and play Gohan or Frieza
Opponent Turn: get attacked most likley
2nd Turn: Green Energy and play Cabba.
- Attack with Leader, Frieza/Gohan, (most likley awaken)Token, Caulifla, and Kale.

That is 5 attacks and I only have had 1 turn to attack!
- This is not including the Over realm Vegeta either!

Lets go second - the other desired scenario:

1st Turn: Green energy, and play Gohan. Attack leader, token, gohan
Opponent Turn: Attack Gohan and token.
2nd Turn: Green Energy and play Cabba.
- Attack with Leader, (Frieza/Gohan), 1-2x Tokens, Caulifla, and Kale.
Opponent Turn: Play negate (Flying Nimbus)
3rd Turn: Green Energy. Play Gohan. Play Cabba
- Attack with Leader, Gohan, 1-3x Tokens, 1-2xCaulifla, 1-2 Kale, red Cabba. Awaken

That was 7-9 attacks turn 2. Your turn 3 was up to 13-16 attacks! 
- Again this is not including the Over realm Vegeta either!

Yes these are good scenarios and they happen probably 1:4 games. Yet the potential for the Zerg is great in this one. With some consistency in the deck, I cannot help but think that this leader is far too overlooked.

Hand advantage does become an issue after hedging your bets on a Flying Nimbus or that extra Green Caulifla when you have 2 Cabbas out. It is an all or nothing strategy at that point where you hope your opponent has used their hand to stay ahead of the game on life or they are struggling with the damage they are taking.

Now many people reading this will not be sold on Chilled. Your probably right. The new Super Shenron and Kid Goku decks really hammer this one into the ground with their hand advantage. So take it as it is intended, a light look at an often forgotten or laughed at leader.
Just realise that cards like 'Strategic Mind Kikono" can really make this guy scary. It could only be a matter of time before someone finds some consistency with a deck (especially with the possibility of dual colours coming in).

I truly hope you enjoyed this little foray into my man Chilled. Feel free to leave any comments or questions. Always happy to talk deck tech ideas.

Cheers all. POW!

26th Apr 2019 Andy Palermo

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