Anniversary Box Series (part 1)
~ Saiyan Cabba ~When looking at the meta and where Bandai is looking to go in the future, I believe one should pay further attention to the alternate cards that are being released in the upcoming Anniversary boxed set.This releases 21 June 2019 and has no less than 20 alternate reprints!So what does that tell us? Are these cards only for the current meta? Are they cards that will still be an impact in many editions to come?Let's take a look and see what Bandai may be telling us...The first in th
24th May 2019
Cell, The Ultimate Lifeform
~ The Forgotten Leader Series ~- A look at a deck tech with this forgotten leader - If I was to tell you that there was a leader that:- Could pop a 3 power or less each turn just like a Crisis Crusher on steroids!- Once awakened could pop any power across the board- Could +1 card every turn once awakened without attacking- Could voluntarily Spark every 2nd turn for 2 cardsSound pretty good right?Then why aren't we seeing this forgotten pillar of a Leader played so much anymore?Firstly let m
12th May 2019